Student Info.

Student Info.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

AWDI Training (Australian Workforce Development Institute) is an Australian-owned and operated nationally Registered Training Organisation that provides superior training programs in Queensland, delivered by industry-experienced trainers.

Student Rights

AWDI Training acknowledges that students have the right to:
  • Expect AWDI Training to provide accurate information regarding course details including cost, estimated duration, location and mode of delivery, insolvency of third parties, any workplace arrangements, and implications for the learner of government training entitlements and subsidy arrangements in relation to the delivery of the service.
  • Expect AWDI Training to provide training of a high quality that recognises and appreciates their individual learning styles and needs that complies with the Standards For Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015;
  • Have access to all AWDI Training’s services regardless of educational background, gender, marital status, sexual preference, race, colour, pregnancy, national origin, ethnic or socio-economic background, physical or intellectual impairment, and religious or political affiliation;
  • Have their prior learning, acquired competencies, and experience appropriately recognised in determining their requirements for training and assessment;
  • Be advised of the learning outcomes and prescribed assessment tasks for the training program of their choice prior to its commencement;
  • To have access to fair Complaints and Appeal processes for complaints and appeals regarding the conduct of or decisions made by AWDI and their affiliates and other students (see relevant policy and procedure below);
  • Expect to achieve the published learning outcomes from their training program within thirty (30) days of completion or withdrawal, including the issuance of AQF certification documentation including Testamur, record or result and/or Statement of Attainment for Courses/units completed during the enrolment period, whether the learner completes their study or withdraws prior to completion (If the learner withdraws prior to the completion of all units in a course but has completed one or more units then a Statement of Attainment for the completed units will be issued.);
  • Learn from fully qualified, competent and diligent trainers who observe their responsibility to address students’ learning needs, assist them to achieve the course outcomes as far as is reasonable, and assess their students’ work fairly;
  • Learn in an appropriately appointed, safe and clean learning environment, free of all forms of harassment and discrimination;
  • Be treated with dignity and fairness;
  • Expect AWDI Training to be ethical and open in their dealings, their communications and their advertising;
  • Expect AWDI Training to observe their duty of care to them;
  • Efficient handling of administrative matters including the processing of fees, concessions, and refunds (see refund policy below);
  • Privacy and confidentiality, and secure storage of student records in accordance with AWDI Training’s policies, to the extent permitted by Queensland law.

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for:
  • Understanding and accepting the enrolment conditions for the courses they undertake;
  • Providing accurate information about themselves at the time of enrolment, and advise AWDI Training of any personal information changes, including to their address or phone numbers within seven days;
  • Paying all fees and charges associated with their course, including if a loan is taken to pay the fees through VET FEE Help or any other means;
  • Signing in and out when attending training;
  • Abiding by any dress code stipulated by AWDI Training;
  • Not cheating or plagiarising in course work/assessments submitted for assessment;
  • Recognising the rights of staff and other students to be treated with dignity and fairness, and behaving in an appropriate and acceptable manner towards them;
  • Regular and punctual attendance;
  • Ensuring they attend classes sober and drug-free, and smoke in designated areas at least 5 meters from AWDI Training entrances.
  • The security of their personal possessions while attending a course;
  • Promptly report all incidents of harassment or injury to the CEO;
  • Respecting AWDI Training’s property and observing policy guidelines and instructions for the use of equipment;
  • Seeking clarification of their rights and responsibilities when in doubt;
  • Asking for assistance and/or support when
  • In accordance with the Skills Assure Supplier Policy 2020-21 for Queensland VET Investment programs all students who’s course funding is Subsidised under the Certificate 3 Guarantee or Higher Level Skills funding must complete a student training and employment survey within three months of completing or discontinuing training.

Complaints and Appeals

In the event that AWDI Training cannot respond to your complaints, complaints can also be made via the following channels:

National Complaints Hotline:

If you have a complaint relating to your experiences whilst undertaking training in the vocational education and training (VET) sector, the National Training Complaints Hotline can refer your complaint to the most appropriate authority to have your complaint considered.

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA):

Complainants may also complain to Australian Training School’s RTO’s registering body: Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

However, ASQA’s will only use the information you provide to inform its regulatory approach and will not contact us on your behalf or act as your advocate. For more information, refer to the following webpage:

Policy and Procedures

AWDI Training acknowledges that a person who has a complaint or appeal, has the right to raise the complaint or appeal and expect that every effort will be made to resolve it in accordance with this policy, without prejudice or fear of reprisal or victimisation. The student has the right to present the complaint or appeal formally in writing as well as verbally.

Complaints may be made to AWDI regarding the conduct of:
  1. AWDI Training, its trainers, assessors or other staff
  2. A third party providing services on AWDI Training’s behalf, and its trainers, assessors or other staff or
  3. a learner/student of AWDI Training.

Appeals can be made to request that a decision made by AWDI Training, its trainers, assessors or other staff or by a third-party providing services on AWDI’s behalf, and its trainers, assessors or other staff is reviewed. This includes assessment decisions.

AWDI Training will manage all complaints and appeals as fairly, equitably and efficiently as possible in an attempt to ensure that the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are adopted at every stage of the complaint and appeal process.

AWDI Training will encourage all parties to approach the complaint or appeal with an open mind and to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint or appeal cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, AWDI acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent person to mediate between the parties. The parties will be given the opportunity to formally present their case to the independent person.

Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process of making and resolving complaints. AWDI Training seeks to protect the rights and privacy of all involved and to facilitate the return to a safe, fair and productive learning environment.

Where complaints or appeals have been received in writing or verbally, AWDI Training will acknowledge the complaint, in writing. AWDI Training will keep evidence of how the matter was dealt with and the outcome (including the timeframes) in a Complaints Register. AWDI Training will use this information to review AWDI’s processes and practices to ensure that issues are not repeated.

AWDI Training will respond, in writing, to acknowledge complaints and requests for appeal within 5 working days of receiving the complaint or appeal request.


Should a person have a complaint or appeal request, the following steps are to be followed:

  1. The Complainant should discuss the issue/complaint with the person involved or another AWDI Training staff member to try and resolve the issue. AWDI staff are to engage in active listening and attempt to resolve the issue with a win/win outcome if possible, without compromising fair and valid results and legislative requirements.
  1. The staff member who received the complaint is to email the Complainant acknowledging the complaint and outlining the complaint, discussion and outcome if one was reached.
  1. If no acceptable resolution is reached through the informal process above, the Complainant should put the following information relating to the complaint or appeal in writing using the Complaints and Appeals Form and email it to
  • A description of the complaint or appeal for review;
  • Steps were taken thus far to deal with the issue/complaint;
  • Effects on the Complainant of the event or action that caused the issue;
  • What outcomes they would like to fix the problem & prevent it from happening again?
If you require assistance to complete the form, please ask an AWDI staff member not involved in your complaint to assist you.

  1. On receipt of a formal complaint, AWDI management will investigate the complaint which will include;
  • Investigating all evidence
  • Sighting CCTV evidence
  • Consultation with relevant parties including seeking legal guidance
  • Interviewing any relevant parties; including the complainant, persons mentioned in the complaint, other staff and students, witnesses and any other relevant persons,
  • Referring to legislative and organisational requirements
  1. AWDI Training management will attempt, to the best of their abilities, and within legal and organisational requirements, respond to the complaint in a manner that results in a win/win outcome for both the complainant and AWDI.
  1. AWDI Training management will inform all parties of the outcome of the investigation within seven (7) days of raising the complaint. Where the investigation will take longer than seven days AWDI management is to inform the complainant in writing of the reasons why and an expected date that an outcome can be expected.

Money Matters


Course fees are outlined on our website.

AWDI courses are, in general, funded by the student or their employer (fee for service), however, we are proud to be a Queensland state Government approved Skills Assure Supplier and are able to offer training to eligible applicants that are subsidised by the QLD Government’s Department of Education, Small Business and Training (DESBT). For student information and to check if you are eligible please click here for Certificate 3 Guarantee and here for Higher Level Skills.

The Funding Co-contribution fee schedule can be found at the end of this document.

Course fees vary according to the course required and can be found on our website and at the bottom of this document.

AWDI accepts both cash and EFTPOS. Course fees under $1500 are to be paid in full on enrolment unless other arrangements have been made with AWDI management.

Any fees over $1500 can be paid on a payment plan made between AWDI and the student with a $1500 initial payment and the remainder of the fees to be paid in regular instalments until finalised. This payment plan will be documented and signed by the student and an AWDI representative on enrolment.

As AWDI’s qualification and units of competency are required for participation in the relevant jobs all fees are GST-free.

Receipts will be issued at the time of payment.

Refund Policy

Australian Consumer Law dictates that AWDI is not required to offer a refund for a change of mind about the course that you chose to enrol in. Refunds or partial refunds may be offered, however, under some circumstances.

Processing of Refunds

Applications for refunds are to be submitted in writing. The applicant is required to submit their full name, date of birth, name and course/unit code, and reason for the refund application.

Refunds required for an error, early termination of arrangement by AWDI or inability to provide an agreed service by AWDI will be processed within 7 business days. All other refund applications will be assessed and processed within 30 working days.

Applications for refunds will be assessed by the CEO or Director and will only be processed once all other options have been considered. Other options include course credit and deferral to a later course date if relevant. Please note if fees were paid by EFTPOS a refund processing fee of 2.2% applies.

Refunds for AWDI error

Where AWDI has overcharged on an EFTPOS transaction 100% of the overcharged amount will be refunded.

Where AWDI terminates the arrangements early or is unable, for any reason, to provide the agreed training, 100% of the course fees paid will be refunded.

Where AWDI has changed course location or commencement date, 100% of the course fees paid will be refunded if training has not yet commenced. Where a student is eligible for a statement of attainment for units completed a pro-rata refund will be given for the percentage of course units not yet completed. For example, if a course contains 10 units and 5 have been completed, a statement of attainment for the 5 completed units will be issued along with a 50% refund.

Refunds for Face-to-Face, Online and Blended Study

Where an application for a refund is approved, 100% of the paid fees will be refunded if the application to have the enrolment cancelled is received no later than 10 business days before the commencement of training, face-to-face or online.

50% of the paid fees will be refunded if the application to have the enrolment cancelled is received no later than 5 business days.

No fees will be refunded if the application to have the enrolment cancelled is less than 5 business days before the course commences or if the course has already commenced, whether face-to-face or the student has been provided access to online training.

This refund policy is applicable to domestic full-fee paying students and to funded students. See below for QLD Government funded training.

Refunds for RPL Applications

Enrolment to a course under an RPL pathway requires a 50% deposit of the course fees to be paid on enrolment. All course fees, minus the 50% deposit will be refunded in the case that a student cancels their enrolment within 30 days of commencement or if they are unable to produce sufficient evidence to support their RPL application.

Refunds for student change of circumstances

No refund will be given for student change of circumstance including change of address, change in job, or change in job requirements.

Refunds for Government Subsidised Training

Where the course is subsidised by the Qld government under the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program or the Higher Level Skills Program students are required to pay a co-contribution fee. A full refund of Student Co-contribution fee will be refunded when the student is found to be ineligible for funding under these programs.

Where an application for refund is approved, 100% of the paid fees will be refunded if the application to have the enrolment cancelled is received no later than 10 business days before the commencement of training, face-to-face or online.

50% of the paid fees will be refunded if the application to have the enrolment cancelled is received no later than 5 business days.

No fees will be refunded if the application to have the enrolment cancelled is less than 5 business days before the course commences or if the course has already commenced, whether face-to-face or the student has been provided access to online training.

Refunds for extenuating Circumstances

Where a student can prove extenuating circumstances, including serious injury or illness, a refund of 100% of the course fees paid will be refunded if training has not yet commenced. Where a student is eligible for a statement of attainment for units completed a pro-rata refund will be given for the percentage of course units not yet completed. For example, if a course contains 10 units and 5 have been completed, a statement of attainment for the 5 completed units will be issued along with a 50% refund.

Refunds as a result of the complaints and appeals process

If it has be found that AWDI has been negligent in the service provided as a result of a complaint, a partial refund may be permitted. A refund will not be issued if a certificate has been issued and the student wishes to retain it. If the student insists on the refund the certificate is to be revoked, cancelled, and destroyed.

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